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The Intuition Mastery Method

Everyone has intuition but most people lose theirs. YOU might be losing yours if...
  • Your sensitivity feels like a burden

  • You feel constantly overwhelmed by other people's problems and emotional states

  • You have been through a period of grief or trauma

  • You over-give to others

  • You don't know how to trust yourself

  • You get decision fatigue

  • OR you don't know how your intuition speaks to you

It's possible to strongly connect with your intuition, you just need the right tools and guidance.

Everyone has intuition and you can bring back the magic.

Just imagine…

Feeling comfortable setting boundaries without feeling guilt

Finally being able to feel peace, purpose and real direction in your life

Tuning out intrusive thoughts without worrying about what other people think

Believing in yourself like you did when you were a kid

I'm Ready to Bring Back the Magic
You don’t need a special skill or crazy sixth sense to turn intuition on…. and deeply trust it.

Am I “special enough” to have a powerful intuition?

Maybe you've tried things before and they didn't work.

Past students have told me that before this class they tried...

  • meditation on apps like Insight Timer and Calm, but they were never able to clear their mind when it mattered, facing a big life decision.

  • they texted their friends and family to ask for opinions on a career move, only to overthink or get scared of the change, leaving them in the same job.

  • pulling tarot cards on important life decisions, like the future of a romantic relationship, but second guess what came through.

  • going to traditional therapy, but they still feel insecure when it comes to trusting themselves, they wish their therapist could tell them the answer.

I have yet to meet a person whose intuition I couldn't unlock.

Meditation, therapy, and tarot cards are amazing tools, but if your intuition is stuck, you need to find the source of the problem first.

Find What's Blocking Your Intuition
What is Intuition anyways?
  • If you still think intuition is the same as instinct, intelligent thinking, or a quick working mind - we don’t have the same definition of intuition.
Intuition is information you can access that holds no logic, no reasoning, no instinct- information that’s true that you can’t see with your other senses.

  • Intuition is the moment my student Mary intuitively knew without a doubt, against all the numbers and figures, that if she tried IVF one more time she would be pregnant, and she was.

  • Intuition is the moment Frank felt he needed to move where he was standing, took two steps, and a huge icicle crashed down exactly where he had been seconds before.

  • Intuition is the moment my student Tatiana insisted her whole family spend Christmas at her grandma’s, and it was the last Christmas they all got to spend together.

If you were going to make any choice in life, you would tell me you want ALL the information to make the best choice and that means access to intuition, too. Everyone has equal opportunity— it’s time you have access.

Think of it this way

When intuition isn’t working you’re bound to move through life with trial and error- that’s exhausting. We all know the way someone else does life isn’t what’s right for you. Intuition is for you, about you. You deserve to turn into the path of least resistance, every step of the way.

If you really had all the information at your fingertips and the confidence to trust your own intuition wouldn’t it be easier to walk through life? 

Anya struggled with finding her intuition when she moved from her country life to a bustling city. With a new job and new boyfriend, she had so much change in her life and struggled to hear her inner voice over her anxiety.
Darlene was always the most sensitive one in her family and often felt ashamed of her needs. She struggled in celebrating her unique intuitive abilities and therefore wasn't able to use them to their maximum potential.
Ayanna has a high-powered job and two kids with special needs. Stress was such a normal part of her life that she couldn't trust her intuition over the noise of her daily to-do's and fears.
Mirja unexpectedly lost her husband and was left with two young kids. She wanted to find her own intuitive voice so she could be an example to her children and navigate her own needs during this difficult time of healing.
Access the Course

My intuitive life isn’t about anxiously trying every door- it is about opening the door I know will open, and doing it with confidence (not anxiety).

<p>My intuitive life isn’t about anxiously trying every door- it is about opening the door I know will open, and doing it with confidence (not anxiety).</p>
While I can define intuition, I can’t define what an intuitive life will be for YOU.

By using my own “INTUITION MASTERY METHOD” it means that … YES, I used my intuition to grow a very successful business, to make the right hires, and to be in the right place at the right time to work with A-list celebrities, politicians, and Fortune500 CEO’s.

To know who and what I say yes to, and also when I walk away because it’s an intuitive “no”.. I’ve used intuition to live my dream bi-continental life, and travel a bunch- and avoid disasters-  I bought travel insurance covering me for a million dollars  48 hours before I really needed it. I’ve even used intuition to find the exact apartment I wanted- I didn’t just happen to talk to the right person about my apartment search, I intuitively knew I needed to say it to the exact person that had the perfect contact, because this apartment was never listed.

But, despite these wins- the very best part of an intuitive life is that I can set boundaries easily (and people feel them energetically…so they don't even test them), I am no longer overwhelmed by the world, I feel more confident than ever before, I am fully at peace and I trust myself to make every choice on my journey. I know what’s right for me, even when the world has conflicting ideas of what “right” is - the connection to my intuition is a peace I had never known before.

For me an intuitive life is feeling fully aligned in my own energy without being weighed down by everyone else's, at home with myself and in the flow of life. Other people tell me that things just seem to work out for me, but I know that’s not true- I just know my compass and you can, too.  

Over the past 15 years I've fine-tuned my Intuition Mastery Method so that it is the most effective and transformative tool out there to increase your intuition.

The results speak for themselves:

97% of my students notice increased confidence, self-trust, & the ability to access intuition within the first month.

Here’s what Intuition Mastery Method participants have said

Fleur and her team deserve way more than just 5 stars!

Fleur has created a wonderful program! Each lecture provided well-researched topics while being completely accessible in understanding the information and feeling supported each week. By the first week, I could feel the shift taking place that I was looking for, and I knew I had found the right teacher for me. Fleur is kind, funny, relatable, and authentic. She shows up as her genuine self, which has helped me become more authentic and confident.


Fleur has such a grounded approach to this work, which makes it feel safe and natural. She is so genuine in her desire to help others and you can really feel it. Coming from a religious upbringing and scientific background, I have a really hard time turning off my rational brain and trusting my intuition. Through all the different methods of tapping into our intuition, I was able to understand what worked best for me and what areas I need to work on.

Julia S.
Powerful Teachings

Fleur is such a gifted teacher and can articulate and demystify our innate human powers and abilities. She is truly passionate about spreading her teachings and uses her talents and gifts to spread greater love, peace and compassion in this world.

So educational and inspiring!

I've always been interested in intuition, but did not know much about it or how it worked. Fleur is an excellent teacher, guide and model for learning how to connect with our own intuition and use it in positive ways in our lives and in service to others. She is clear, practical, and makes it easy for us to understand and practice. She shares stories of her own life and experience with intuition, making what we were learning really understandable and relatable. And, I'm so glad that I can go back to the lectures and other resources over and over again. Thank you, Fleur!

Roan V.

What a course!! To this day I am still so grateful for the course. I hung on every word Fleur said,and still use the meditations and practices as they enrich my daily life immensely. Every piece of the theme 'intuition' is discussed and put into practice. The exercises are very reflective and connecting. This is next level and so inspiring. Again...thank you Fleur & co!

Sabrina J.
Amazing course!

I enrolled into the intuition course and it was sooooooooo good for me and those around me. Not only did I learn more about myself, I was able to have tools to support me even after the course was complete. The course is filled with love, respect, support, guidance and so much more. It builds confidence and trust in one’s own abilities. I chose ME when I chose to enroll and it has been a gift I get to take with me and continually use moving forward on this journey.

Join the Method
As a student of the Intuition Mastery Method you’ll…

Identify the Exact Place Your Intuition is getting Stuck

Distinguish Anxiety from Intuition

Reduce Overwhelm

Set Energetic Boundaries

Identify your Full Body Yes

Stop Self Sabotaging

Find Unshakeable Self Trust

Learn to Immediately Calm Down Your Nervous System

Step into Your Power

FAQ Image

Let’s take a look at what you’ll learn in each of the six modules:

Translating Energy
  • Figure out exactly how your intuition speaks to you
  • Know once and for all the difference between your intuition and your anxiety, wishful thinking or imagination. 
  • Understand what energy is
The Nervous System
  • Calm yourself down in 2 minutes, without using intense meditation techniques 
  • Reduce empathic overwhelm immediately 
  • Find a new baseline of peace, no matter your environment
  • Set energetic boundaries, so the people you love feel and respect them 
  • Choose what or who you want to be intuitive about 
  • Take back your energy from all the places its being drained
The Brain & Emotions
  • Open yourself to intuition, on demand 
  • Release old, trapped trauma
  • Identify your emotions
 Limiting Beliefs
  • Release subconscious, sabotaging behaviors that keep you from intuition 
  • Increase worth, self esteem and feelings of safety 
  • Change your limiting beliefs once and for all
Confidence and Self-Trust
  • Identify purpose, life path and direction 
  • Feel truly connected to something larger than yourself 
  • Access higher guidance
No two people have difficulty accessing their intuition for the same reason.
  • This course offers guidance through live calls with Fleur and her trained coaches.
    Our online community platform, allows you to ask questions to get the answers you need.
    It also allows you to do this work with friends by your side.

This coaching offered in a private setting for 8 weeks, is currently valued at $6400. My online intuition program is my full method used in private coaching, available instantly with life-long access for a fraction of the cost and with a built-in community.

Here’s what Intuition Mastery Method participants have said

Transformative Experience

In the course, I learned how to connect to my intuition, and I learned how to recognize the different ways I personally receive intuitive information. Fleur's lectures were fascinating. During the course I also found an appreciation and love for meditation. Finally, the course gave me a connection to my own divinity. It was a beautiful experience and I am very thankful to Fleur and her team for what they provided to all of us.

Transformative Experience

I really enjoyed the mentorship and didn't want it to end! I first joined with just the idea of connecting to my intuition more to expand that part of my life from a medium I've been following for years and trust, but it became a lot more for me. If you put in the little bit of time and effort regularly, it will spark a change in your life. I've discovered my self limiting beliefs and ways to calm my nervous system, and it's propelled me through a journey of healing. I also developed a daily habit of meditating, which continues to make a difference for me (You don't have to meditate every day of course, but the meditations she provides are really great). I've come to learn how I can feel most grounded and connected, what my intuitive moments look like, and how to differentiate them from anxiety. Fleur teaches this mentorship in a straightforward way that is accessible for everyone to understand.

I’m eternally grateful that Fleur is sharing her gift and experience with the world…

I loved learning from Fleur in the Intuition Mentorship, because she makes a complex topic with a lot of confusion and noise around it so straightforward and simple to understand. Fleur is such a knowledgeable and kind teacher and she teaches in a no-pressure way that allows you to relax, have a great experience, and surprise yourself with what you never imagined you’re capable of!

Transformational journey

I loved this Intuition course! Fleur has taken me on a no-nonsense dive into what intuition is and isn't. She has a knowledge of both the left-brained and right-brained view of intuition and has a unique skill of helping her students develop their abilities and trust what is perceived. I have known many people who are very skilled at doing psychic readings, but they can't tell you how they do it or teach someone else how. Fleur is incredibly skilled in both reading, describing and teaching.

Kaleigh G.
I now know my vessel and my voice

This course gave me an opportunity and the tools to really listen, sort and trust what I was hearing. I am a better conduit of information for my loved ones. I am a better and more confident version of myself and a better mother because of what I gleaned from this course. Thank you for your offerings to the world, Fleur!

Fleur and her team deserve way more than just 5 stars!

Fleur has created a wonderful program! Each lecture provided well-researched topics while being completely accessible in understanding the information and feeling supported each week. By the first week, I could feel the shift taking place that I was looking for, and I knew I had found the right teacher for me. Fleur is kind, funny, relatable, and authentic. She shows up as her genuine self, which has helped me become more authentic and confident.

Access the Method

Have Questions? I Have The Answers

Who's this method for?

This method is for everyone, beginner or advanced. Recognizing your intuition requires understanding and alignment, and this program is not only designed to get you started but also to support ongoing growth. Many students return to revisit specific segments, finding new layers of depth or realigning their energies when needed. Intuition is a lifelong skill for you to use, and like any skill a new leveling up is always available for you. 

Can I purchase the individual modules instead of the whole program?

Yes, you can purchase each module separately. You will find the names and links for each module provided below.

Please note that we do not offer a discount for those who initially buy individual modules and later decide to purchase the full program.

How long will I have access for? 

You will have lifetime access. This means you can revisit the lessons, resources, and community features anytime you want, as long as the program is live. Once you've enrolled, there are no further fees to continue accessing the course. Your one-time payment grants you this ongoing access.

Are there payment plan options?

For those in the US, you can pay in interest-free installments with Shop pay.

These are automatic payments to keep things flexible & simple - You will be directed on how to sign up at checkout.

Is this course accessible?

All videos, lectures, and audio have subtitles and all written journal prompts & exercises have PDF download options, for you to be able to download and enlarge as needed. We are currently working on transcripts for the meditations.

When and where does the course take place?

All modules, when purchased will be made available to you by granting you access to the course in our community learning platform. If you purchase the program in it's entirety, all content will be shared at once, and you can pick and choose how you'd like to go through the materials. If you purchase the individual modules, all the content within that module will be available to you at once.

I'm not sure this is right for me. Is there someone I can talk to?

I want you to feel confident in your purchase! If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email and we'll get back to you.

What if I don’t like it?

This program is designed to profoundly change your life. Unfortunately, since all content will be available to you immediately upon purchase, we cannot give refunds and sales are final.  

Access the exact intuition method used in Fleur's Private Coaching, currently priced at $6400.
It Can be Yours Today For Only $299.99
Payment plans available at check-out through ShopPay.
Access Now

You will receive all content instantly after signing up. You have lifetime access to the course, community platform, and live events and Q&A sessions.