A profound immersive awakening of your intuitive power.

The Intuition Activation Retreat works because it goes a step further.
To access your intuition …
Your nervous system needs a reboot
You need real energetic boundaries, not just words
You need to feel connected to something larger than yourself
My Intuition Activation Retreats encourage vulnerability and compassion in a heart-based container where profound transformation takes place by the healing properties of deep somatic experiences.
Retreats are catered to individuals of all backgrounds; participants range in age from 18 to 75 and come from all over the world, representing various stages of personal growth.
What You'll Receive During the Retreat
The clearing of your nervous system with the healing properties of deep somatic experiences such as Holotropic Breathwork, Active and Dynamic Meditation, and more.
Daily classes with me to be guided to your next level of awareness. I will teach multiple times a day, lecture, offer Q&A sessions, lead workshops and guided meditations.
A supportive environment: A staff to participant ratio of 4:1. Each of our staff is trained in energy healing and clearing. You will be held and supported in all parts of your journey.
An all inclusive retreat: All activities, lodging, and food included. Taking place in the Alentejo coast of Portugal in a beautiful quiet space.

She's no Shirley Ghostman - Medium Fleur is friends with popstars, a life long converser with the other side and a believer in something other than just one dimension.

Discover the Transformational Journeys of Past Retreat Participants

What I found at this retreat was a deep acknowledgment and reflection of the invisible reasons that I felt so exhausted and overwhelmed in the first place, and then was also given the missing pieces of deep emotional release, integration through the body and being deeply supported and held by a community of very special people, where I felt accepted and seen for who I am, just the way I am. I thought this Retreat might be a review of the Clairs, and maybe some practice sessions with feedback.. I was just excited to come to Portugal and open to whatever! What I got was a completely transformational experience on many different levels, in exactly the way I needed, with the exact information and tools that I needed.

After 51 years talking about me, the problems in life I want to solve…this week I found the solution without talking about anything of the problems. I found safety, peace, and love before my talking, before my thinking.

So much gratitude, love, connection created and nurtured here this week. Fleur there is no one on this planet doing what you are doing - you have so much power and tenderness that you have chosen to share an impact people's lives around the world.

Fleur - you have given me a beautiful gift that I will not be able to adequately express my gratitude for. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to help so many of us who are hurting, who are grieving, to reconnect with ourselves and with those we have lost.

Fleur - thank you for teaching me different ways to fully connect with my spirit. the breath work was the spark that allowed me to feel my strength in ways I can't describe. you have a way with words like I mentioned - Magic. You broke things down in such a relatable way which is rare to find. your warmth, patience, and drive was always felt throughout the week/days.

I truly did not know what to expect when coming here and this exceeded every hope, wish and need I had. Thank you for the magnificent journey you took us through. I found pieces of myself I didn't know existed and mega thank you to the beautiful staff for writing alongside us every step of the way.

This experience has given me a new confidence in my ability to trust myself through the complexity that is the human experience. I came here for Clarity on my life path and purpose. I will be leaving with the firm conviction that though I don't know where I am going, I am not lost.
Thank you for making these Concepts so digestible and accessible! thank you all for holding space for us. every day brought to mind someone else in my life who could use this.

I arrived nervous, excited, curious and.. hopeful. I am leaving amazed, excited, curious and.. Expanded. My new re-emergence into the world of intuitive body movement will serve as beautiful stepping stones into a more expanded intuitive self. I love me this way.
Thank you Fleur for the gentle loving elevation of all of our souls. it was thrilling to be connected to such a multi-age (17-70) and multinational group. I am proud to represent the far end of the spectrum.